What you need to know about冰雹和屋顶损坏


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Although tornadoes and hurricanes tend to dominate news weather coverage, Mother Nature is also known to play hardball, throwing destructive and deadly hailstones down on us every year. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the United States witnessed over4,000 hail storms in 2018. And, when hail hits, it can hit hard.

The largest recorded hailstone in the United States made land in Vivian, South Dakota in 2010. That stone weighed in at nearly two pounds, and was almost eight inches in diameter—just about the size of a bowling ball! While hail of this magnitude is highly unusual, hail of any size can damage lesser roofs. It wasn’t long ago that a hailstorm in Texas destroyed dozens of commercial and residential rooftops, with some hailstones even managing to rip through roofs, landing at the feet of the unsuspecting individuals inside.

So, until some mastermind learns to control the weather, how can we protect ourselves from the sometimes devastating effects of hail? By understanding it—and shielding ourselves from it.



Hailstones are clumps of layered ice that form when falling raindrops are carried skyward by thunderstorm updrafts. As they are carried upward, they reach extremely cold areas of the atmosphere (generally -10° C to -25° C) and, in the process, collide with other freezing raindrops. Eventually, a hailstone is formed, and it becomes too heavy for the updraft to sustain its high altitude. Gravity then takes over, and the hailstone falls back to the Earth, potentially damaging whatever lies below.


Marble-sized hailstones typically fall to the Earth at around 20 mph, while baseball-sized hailstones can reach speeds of more than 100 mph. The amount of damage they cause can also be determined by their shape; while those that take on a smooth form can be damaging, it’s jagged hailstones that are the most destructive.

What States are Most Affected by Hail and When Does It Happen?

While hailstorms are most commonly associated with “Hail Alley,” the area consisting of Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming, hail can happen just about anywhere. In fact, it may surprise you to know that some of the most severe hail damage has happened outside these states. Here’s a look at 2017 hail damage estimates as reported by analytics firmVerisk, which provides data for insurance companies.



Ground Level Signs Your Roof May Have Incurred Hail Damage

Following a hailstorm, there are often some obvious ground-level signs of damage, such as broken or damaged windows, siding, or doors, which may indicate roof damage as well.

这里有其他11个厕所k for which could indicate that your roof may have taken
a hit.





Hail Splatter Marks



Window and Door Screens




Hail, especially the jagged variety, can tear through the leaves of bushes and shrubs.


Outdoor Lights.

Check for cracked or broken light fixtures in the yard or on your home.

Furniture and Playsets

Furniture and Playsets

These outdoor items, left uncovered, can sustain dings and dents.



Vinyl fencing and decking material may have holes or cracks due to hail, while wood fencing and decking may display new scrapes and splintered wood.





Debris or Broken Limbs

Shingles, tree branches, and other debris in your yard or pool means you experienced heavy wind that may have compromised your roof.


Water Stains or Mildew Growth



Bubbling Paint

Leaks caused by hail damage can cause water to become trapped between drywall and paint during the storm, leading to bubbling paint.

屋顶top Level Signs Your Roof May Have
Incurred Hail Damage


Cracked Slate or Clay Tiles




On soft roofing materials, such as PVC or weathered roof patch compounds, look for punctures or puncture marks


Damaged Shingles

Missing shingles may seem like a dead giveaway for hail damage, but this could simply indicate heavy winds. There are, however, signs of damage.

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金属屋顶is less likely to sustain damage during a hailstorm, however an extreme hail event may cause dents and dings. This damage is typically cosmetic in nature.

Susceptibility of Different Roofing Materials to Hail Damage

Not all roofing is created equally, and it has long been common knowledge that certain materials withstand wind and hail better than others. However, there was not a defining standard. That all changed in 1996, when the Underwriters’ Laboratory (UL) created a national standard for roof impact resistance by rating roofing materials based on their resistance to impact testing with steel balls simulating 90 mph hailstones of different sizes. This resulted in the Class 1 – 4 scale, with Class 1 being most susceptible to damage and Class 4 being the toughest.

州农场保险公司缓解协调员杰克·斯坦顿(Jack Stanton)告诉《保险杂志》,“每年,成千上万的房主都会失去屋顶和风能破坏。”“我们现在知道,4级材料为房主提供了一些最佳的长期屋顶保护。”

In fact, the Class 4 rating gives many property insurance companies so much confidence that they often offer a premium discount on homeowner insurance just for installing a UL Class 4-rated roof! Metal roofing is UL Class 4-rated.


Top Benefits of Metal Roofing



Shingles aren’t expected to last more than 20 years, while a metal roof can
last50-60 years.


Pleasing Aesthetics

what a metal roof would look like on your home.


Lower Utility Costs

金属屋顶reflectsmuch of the sun’s heat and energy, which results in lower energy bills.





Fire Resistance




Because metal roofing has Class 4 hail resistance, many insurance providers offer discounts for installing it.

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If you’re tired of replacing shingles and are ready to fight back against hail, you can count on McElroy Metal. We’ve been at this for more than 57 years, and we have dozens of superior UL Class 4-rated steel profiles that look as good as they perform.



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What Home and Building Owners Are Saying

你是否安装newly-constr屋顶ucted home or building or replacing an existing roof, selecting the right roofing material is an important decision. Most owners chose asphalt shingles out of habit, despite the fact that no building material has a shorter service life. Today, more people than ever are turning to metal for their roofing needs.

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You literally can’t tell that our roof isn’t regular shingles from the road. In fact, our neighbors are all shocked to find out our new roof is metal.

Mary Hayes

Several of the neighbors have commented how much they like it too. But they were concerned that it would be noisy when it rained. I tell them it’s not like one of my uninsulated sheds at the farm. Once you have the plywood deck and insulation, there’s no more noise than a traditional asphalt shingle roof.

Gene Zoss




无论您是建造新房屋还是计划翻新,金属屋顶都可以节省长期的成本和舒适性。探索您的选择并找到满足您美学和预算需求的产品,contact a McElroy Metal distributor or contractorin your area today.

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