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发表beplay在线下载●2020年10月20日1:41 pm

South Carolina YMCA Features Curved Standing Seam Roof by McElroy Metal

发展,健康生活和社会责任。2014年,作为三叶草区与Upper Palmetto YMCA(自1913年以来本身就是一个机构),建造三叶草学区社区基督教青年会- 社区中的第一个 - began。


The Project

现已退休的CSD总监Marc Sosne说,三叶草学区(CSD)社区基督教青年会最初只是一个“梦想……和愿景”。grand opening event. Originally conceived as a place for children to take swimming lessons and the high school swim team to practice (they had been renting out the local country club’s pool), Sosne and others began to think bigger—but they’d need funding.


The Challenge

A good portion of the new CSD YMCA was designed for physical fitness areas, employing an industry-standard aesthetic. David Bellamy, Principal at LS3P Associates Ltd. of Charlotte, N.C., the architectural team contracted for the natatorium portion of the project, recognized this and wanted to make the indoor swimming area stand on its own.

游泳者生产的快节奏能量……不仅是红砖的学校,”Bellamy. “There [needed to be ] glass at the top, more metal … [we wanted] a hightech, fast-paced feel.”

为了取得理想的结果,贝拉米知道他需要合适的团队。他带来了Achelpohl Roofing,使用和信任麦克罗伊金属产品的承包商。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载



To give the large natatorium the look Bellamy was after, the roof was designed with a radius that allowed the preformed metal panels to lay down without site curving. However, the ticket booths and outdoor locker room facilities would require factory-formed panels that would be curved in the field because of a tighter radius. This required strong coordination and color match of the metal roof to the aluminum composite fascia and soffit material to tie everything together aesthetically.

Achelpohl屋顶安装了总计21,000平方英尺24 gauge Maxima216.在麦克埃罗伊金属工厂制造了纳塔河屋顶的面板。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载售票亭和更衣室的面板由醒目的高级银金属颜色形成并在现场弯曲。

“We were actively onsite for about six months, [and] did the insulated and composite walls as well,” said Amanda Achelpohl-Childs of Achelpohl Roofing. “We had

正门带有优质的银金属筋膜和拱腹to match the metal roofing, is
highlighted by green screening above the entrance. Visitors have said it resembles the look of a flying saucer, providing a contemporary yet forward-thinking appearance. McElroy Metal supplied 60 sheets of 24 gauge flat sheet for the formed trim, including fascia and soffits.


Today, the CSD’s YMCA’s aquatic and fitness center features two indoor 25-yard pools, a gymnasium, a fitness room, dedicated exercise space for group classes, racquetball courts,
and a walking track. The outdoor 50-meter pool features an adjoining water park with slides
and play equipment for all ages. It’s truly a beacon of community togetherness, with the standing
seam metal roof from McElroy Metal achieving the aesthetic the community and the project’s


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beplay苹果版手机免费下载beplay在线下载McElroy Metal是美国用于商业屋面和壁板项目的公司。我们与业主,建筑师和承包商合作,为生活带来美丽,强大的金属愿景。了解有关McElroy Metalbeplay苹果版手机免费下载beplay在线下载以及我们提供的所有信息的更多信息website或立即与我们联系。

Bellamy. “There [needed to be ] glass at the top, more metal … [we wanted] a hightech, fast-paced feel.”

About McElroy Metal

自1963年以来,McEbeplay苹果版手机免费下载beplay在线下载lroy Metal为建筑业提供了优质的产品和出色的客户服务。该家族组件制造商总部位于路易斯安那州的Bossier City,在美国拥有13个制造设施。质量,服务和性能一直是McElroy Metal的业务理念的基石,多年来为公司的成功做出了贡献。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载作为首选的服务提供商,这些价值将继续处于McElroy Metal模型的最前沿,并强烈关注客户。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载

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