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发表beplay在线下载● May 29, 2019 7:00 AM

Metal Retrofit Roofing Systems

We offer metalretrofit roofingsystems for flat-to-steep slope retrofits, metal-over-metal, and metal-over-shingle retrofits. All of our metal retrofit roofing systems offer building owners a cost-effective solution for replacing a worn-out roof.

Metal Retrofit Roofing Systems

138T Shingle Recover– This retrofit system can be installed directly over existing shingles which eliminates the need to tear off and remove the existing shingles.

238T Metal-Over-Metal Recover– This is an ideal solution for metal-over-metal recovers and is proven to last two to four times longer than a single-ply recover system.

Low Slope to Steep Slope– This retrofit system allows building owners to convert their existing, worn-out flat roof into a long-lasting, steep metal roof.

138T Shingle Recover

138 T木瓦金属改造屋顶系统The 138T shingle recover system allows building owners to get all ofthe benefitsof metal roofing while saving labor and material costs associated with tearing off and disposing of your existing shingles.

In most cases, the existing shingles can be left on the building, and the recover system can be installed directly over them.

The 138T also features a patented clip system that creates an above sheathing ventilation airspace that increases energy efficiency and lowers utility expenses.

Check out an example of a recover project that used the138T shingle recover system.

238T Metal-Over-Metal Recover

238t metal over metal retrofit roofing  systemThe238T metal-over-metal recover systemis a low-cost recover solution for buildings that already have an existing exposed fastened R-Panel roofing system. This system utilizes McElroy's easily repairablesymmetrical 238T standing seam panel, making it easy to repair and replace any panel that might get damaged.


Check out an example of a recover project that used the238T metal-over-metal recover system.

Low to Steep Slope Recover

Low to Steep Slope metal roof recover systemOurlow to steep slope recover systemis an easy to erect retrofit assembly that is an excellent way to convert worn out flat roofs into functional and highly attractive steep slope roofs.

Learn More

您可以了解有关可用屋顶选项的更多信息,以及金属屋顶如何帮助您降低我们的电子书中的成本需要新的屋顶?建筑所有者如何使用金属屋顶降低成本。请按照下面的链接下载您的副本。您也可以查看我们的on-demand webinar关于如何通过恢复屋顶发展业务。

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About McElroy Metal

自1963年以来,McEbeplay苹果版手机免费下载beplay在线下载lroy Metal为建筑业提供了优质的产品和出色的客户服务。该家族组件制造商总部位于路易斯安那州的Bossier City,在美国拥有13个制造设施。质量,服务和性能一直是McElroy Metal的业务理念的基石,多年来为公司的成功做出了贡献。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载作为首选的服务提供商,这些价值将继续处于McElroy Metal模型的最前沿,并强烈关注客户。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载

Topics:教育,Metal Roofing,Recover and Retrofit,商业的,238T Metal Over Metal,138T Metal Over Shingles,Low Slope to Steep Slope

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