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Posted bybeplay在线下载● Jul 9, 2020 8:27 AM

How to Recover a Flat Roof

Recovering a flat conventional roof with metal gives building owners an opportunity to enhance the aesthetics of their building, improve performance, and increase energy efficiency.

Flat Roofs

Flat conventional roofs are more commonly referred to as low slope roofing because most roofs have some slope to them. Roofs that are actually flat can have many problems, especially drainage related.

Flat, or low slope, roofing is most often found on buildings with large footprints because traditional roofing requires a higher slope that can be impractical and costly for the design. Schools, apartment buildings, warehouse, factories, and big box stores all tend to favor this style of roofing.

Flat Roof Recover Options

How to Recover a Flat RoofWhen the time comes to replace or recover a low slope roof, there are a number of options available. Which option is best will often be determined by the type of roofing that is already in place. Concerns about high wind and hail, longevity, and aesthetics can also play into the decision.

Built-up roofing, single-ply EPDM, modified Bitumen, PVC, and spray-applied coatings are all commonly used commercial and industrial roofing solutions. Spray-applied coatings tend to be the least expensive option but are also the least performing. Built-up roofing solutions are also falling out of favor with building owners preferring singly ply solutions.

Another option building owners have for industrial or commercial flat roof recover is a metal roof. There are a number of reasons that a building owner might select a metal roof recover over other alternatives. For instance, metal roofing offers excellent longevity with typical metal roofing lasting 50+ years.

Metal is also more resistant to puncture from hail which can be a significant concern if the interior of the building houses expensive components, parts, or is in frequent use (like in schools or apartments).

Metal roofing might also be the ideal replacement solution if the roof is structural by design, the roof is also the ceiling, and there is no deck.

Low Slope to Steep Slope Recover Metal Roofing

low slope to steep slope metal roofing

Low slope roofing is known to have a number of issues, and owners can get tired of fixing the problems of a flat roof that may have ponding water and leaks from internal drains and pipe penetrations. Sometimes the scuppers become clogged, and the water backs up, and that leads to issues as well. For some building owners, these issues become too much of a headache, and they want out of low slope roofing altogether.

Alow slope to steep slope metal roofing recoverenables better water drainage off your roof and can also add design features, increasing the aesthetics of the building. This type of recover also means that if you have a rooftop HVAC system, you can now protect the equipment from the elements. The addition of insulation during this type of recover also has the added benefit of increasing energy efficiency.

Our low slope to steep slope metalroofing recoversystem can be utilized over existing roofs with steel or wood framing as well as structural concrete systems. The importance of engineering the new retrofit framing system is a hallmark to the overall project.

Learn More

You can learn more about low slope to steep slope metal roofinghere, or you cancontact usat any time.

Watch our Webinar: How to Grow Your Business with Recover Roofing

About McElroy Metal

Since 1963, McElroy Metal has served the construction industry with quality products and excellent customer service. The family-owned components manufacturer is headquartered in Bossier City, La., and has 13 manufacturing facilities across the United States. Quality, service and performance have been the cornerstone of McElroy Metal’s business philosophy and have contributed to the success of the company through the years. As a preferred service provider, these values will continue to be at the forefront of McElroy Metal’s model along with a strong focus on the customer.

Topics:Metal Roofing,Recover and Retrofit,Commercial

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