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The question metal roofing buyers should ask instead is - how to reduce the risk or minimize the potential for rust. The answer is actually pretty simple: become an educated consumer and put an emphasis on choosing the right metal substrate before starting any metal roof project.


房主不寻常花更多时间挑选新金属屋顶的颜色,而不是思考钢的基材。不可否认,这并不是很有趣!但现实是基材对于任何屋顶的预期寿命和长期审美表现至关重要。Consequently, homeowners focusing more on color than substrate choices are often faced with premature rusting and find themselves stuck with a roof that needs replacement much quicker than expected.


最受欢迎的钢基板金属roofing industry are galvanized and Galvalume®。Galvanized substrates are coated in zinc, while Galvalume substrates are coated with a mixture of zinc and aluminum.




                   </div><h3>金属屋顶基板测试</h3><p>But a picture really is worth 1,000 words. The images above are actual photos from a test where unpainted Galvalume and galvanized panels were placed in different types of outdoor environments, including a normal marine and a rural setting. The harsher the surroundings, the better Galvalume performed. After 23 years of side-by-side comparison in all areas, Galvalume was two to four times more durable than galvanized. Needless to say, it’s critically important homeowners ask their contractor what type of substrate will be used. Who doesn't like to save a few bucks and admittedly choosing a G60 substrate can do that. But the initial savings come at a high cost with the reduced life expectancy of the material. It’s a trade off that most homeowners simply aren't willing to make once they understand the differences.</p><h3>Which Coating Systems are Best?</h3><p>So clearly, there is a lot to consider about what’s under the paint (the substrate). But it’s also important to consider what’s “in” the paint.</p><p><a href=When considering both long-term performance and curb appeal, the coating system, or paint, for metal roof panels对基材同样重要的考虑。涂层/涂料不仅是屋顶的可见部件,而且还是整个金属屋顶系统的关键部分。For the life of a metal roof (remember that could be up to 60 years) ), the coating will be exposed to Mother Nature’s elements: ultraviolet sun rays, acid rain, dirt, etc. Over time, these environmental conditions can break down the coating, resulting in what is commonly referred to as panel fade and chalk. Like rust, fade and chalk aren't attractive. The degree of fade, and chalk are directly related to the coating system.

The most popular coatings for metal panels are Polyester,有机硅改性聚酯(SMP)和Kynar 500®(PVDF)。聚酯涂料系统代表三种可用涂料系统的最低质量,体验最高程度的褪色和粉笔。因此,它们根本不适合住宅应用程序。Kynar 500.®或者PVDF,另一方面,在1960年代开发了PVDF,并迅速成为商业和高端架构应用的进入产品。在此期间,SMP系统是日常项目的转向产品,包括住宅应用程序。在20世纪90年代中期,Kynar 500®涂料变得更加竞争地价,而Mcleroy金属则决定采用它作为我们的标准油漆产品。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载该决定是基于它的事实,即它向客户提供比SMP更高的价格下滑的表现。今天,PVDF(Kynar 500®) paint systems still represent the best performance available for today’s metal panels. The photo below is a real world example of how the two different paint systems stand up against mother nature. Be sure to read the capture below the photo for more details.

kynar 500 vs smp“style=


beplay苹果版手机免费下载beplay在线下载McElroy Metal的涂料供应商是Sherwin-Williams®。While McElroy Metal offers Polyester, Silicone-Modified Polyester and Kynar 500®/PVDF coatings. Based on performance like that featured in the picture above, we strongly recommend PVDF coatings for residential applications where long-term aesthetics and performance are the top considerations for homeowners.


For homeowners intrigued by all the benefits that metal roofing offers, finding a contractor who specializes in metal roofing is the next step. The "specialty" part is important because contractors that only dabble or occasionally install metal roofing often steer homeowners toward shingles because it’s more in the contractors comfort zone.

但我们注意到了一个新的趋势。越来越多的精明消费者正在推迟并拒绝让别人的舒适区推动他们为他们最大的投资之一,他们的家中接受更短的解决方案。这就是为什么“找到承包商“功能是在我们的网站上开发的。访问者只需输入邮政编码,调整所需的距离范围,然后从页面右侧的下拉菜单中选择“住宅屋顶”。符合金属屋顶体验的安装人员,立即返回。如果搜索结果亮起,只是contact usand we're happy to help as not all of our contractors are listed on the site.


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  • 查看我们之前的帖子“How to choose a residential metal roofing contractor



选择正确的屋顶承包商is also an important part of the decision making process. It's important homeowners ask potential contractors what substrate and coating they recommend. When contractors either don’t know the material specifics, or push consumers to lower quality materials, that may be a red flag. Some contractors and even manufacturers like to state that SMP coatings are “almost as good as PVDF”. Trust us, we sell both types of paint and from our 56 year experience, there is simply no comparison between SMP and Kynar 500 painted metal products. Kynar 500 paint wins that one all day, every day!

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                  <p>了解您需要了解的一切<a href=住宅金属屋顶。看看我们的金属屋顶资源for inspiration and answers to your questions.

About McElroy Metal

自1963年以来,Mclbeplay苹果版手机免费下载beplay在线下载eroy Metal服务于建筑业,优质的产品和优质的客户服务。家庭拥有的组件制造商总部位于洛杉矶大学城市,拥有13个美国制造业设施。质量,服务和表现一直是McELROY金属经营理念的基石,并为本多年来促成了公司的成功。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载作为首选服务提供商,这些值将继续处于McElroy金属模型的最前沿以及客户的强烈关注。beplay在线下载beplay苹果版手机免费下载



